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Chikurai Gosho 4 - Hachiku

竹籟五章 第四章 破竹

[対象楽器]諸井 誠 - 尺八 - 1964

竹籟五章 第四章 破竹 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Five Pieces for Shakuhachi Chikurai 尺八 : 三橋 貴風

Five Pieces for Shakuhachi Chikurai - Makato Moroi 尺八 : 初世 酒井 竹保
尺八 : 二世 酒井 竹保
The Fourth Movement, "Ha Chiku": This movement is written by a staccato method unobserved in the traditional Shakuhachi playing. As connotation of the sub-title is "breaking the bamboo", this movement was written to break the tradition of Shakuhachi. It is short, but, supported by sharp staccato sounds, makes a strong contrast against the foregoing and following movements.
Play ButtonTake-Ikkan 尺八 : 二世 青木 鈴慕
Part 4
Play ButtonTamafuri - New Aspect for Japanese Instrument Shakuhachi 尺八 : 三橋 貴風