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Three Children's Songs


[対象楽器]衛藤 公雄 - 箏

NA は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト
Play ButtonArt of the Koto - The music of Japan Played by Kimio Eto 箏 : 衛藤 公雄
TEMARI TSUKI (Bouncing a Ball)
KAKUREMBO (Hide and Seek)
KISHA GOKKO (The Train Game)

Mr. Eto displays his gifts as a composer with pieces inspired by games popular among Japanese children. Bouncing a Ball suggests the game in which elaborate variations of increased difficulty in bouncing a small rubber ball are continued until the ball is dropped. Hide and Seek implies the excitement this game always produces. In The Train Game we can imagine children creating for themselves a completely convincing journey.