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Tsuru no Sugomori (Kinko-ryu)


[別名]The Nesting of Cranes


One of the many existing variants on Sokaku Reibo/Tsuru no Sugomori, the Kinko-ryu version is most often encountered performed (and notated) as a duet, much like its programmatic cousin, Shika no Tone, and it's very popular in this form, with many recordings available. Some Kinko-ryu schools, however, treat it as a separate piece from Sokaku Reibo, and teach and perform it as both a duet and solo piece. Like Sokaku Reibo, it shares melodic material and the same extended techniques of koro-koro, tamane, multiphonics, etc. The program material is identical, both pieces describing the life-cycle of a family of nesting cranes, with similar sections depicting building the nest, rearing their young, watching them take flight, eventually leaving the nest, with the parent cranes being alone again to live out the remainder of their lives together. The extended techniques used in the piece create an impression of the flapping of wings and the calls of the cranes.

鶴の巣籠 は下記のアルバムに収録されています

アルバム アーティスト

Nihon no Hibiki - Shakuhachi/ Tsuru no Sugomori - Shika no Tōne 尺八 : 二世 青木 鈴慕
尺八 : 山口 五郎

The Flower - Yoko Hiraoka and David Wheeler 尺八 : デビッド 勘輔 ウイラ一