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Abe Keiko Record Set - 03

Abe Keiko Record Set - 03

"A 10-LP collection of some of Abe Keiko's greatest Jiuta performances."

Abe Keiko
Victor - SJL-216

Track Title Kanji Length Artist
1 Onoe no Matsu 尾上の松 22'38 Koto: Miyagi Kiyoko
Shamisen: Fujii Kunie
Shamisen: Abe Keiko
Voice: Abe Keiko
2 Shin Matsu Zukushi 新松尽し 12'25 Koto: Fujii Kunie
Shamisen: Abe Keiko
Voice: Fujii Kunie
Voice: Abe Keiko
3 Shin Ukifune 新浮舟 18'39 Koto: Kobayashi Tamae
Shamisen: Fujii Kunie
Shamisen: Abe Keiko
Voice: Abe Keiko
Voice: Fujii Kunie